
CONTATTA il nostro ufficio prenotazioni

chiama +39 031 3221


Gentile Ospite,

Negli ultimi mesi Palace Hotel ha seguito con grande attenzione tutte le indicazioni, le raccomandazioni e le misure preventive fornite dalle autorità italiane e dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità e ha, di conseguenza, aggiornato i propri standard operativi al fine di proteggere i propri Ospiti e Dipendenti.

Avendo come priorità la salute e la sicurezza degli Ospiti, Palace Hotel ha integrato attentamente queste nuove regole nelle proprie procedure, continuando a garantire un servizio d’eccellenza e ad offrire un’esperienza veramente unica. Fedele alla propria tradizione, Palace Hotel si sta adattando alle nuove normative senza però mutare i propri valori e la propria filosofia, basati sul calore e sull’accoglienza del personale.

Non vediamo l’ora di accoglierVi al Palace Hotel, sulle rive del Lago di Como!


LINEE GUIDA E INFORMAZIONI GENERALI soggette ad aggiornamenti in base ai decreti ministeriali:

  • The access to all hotel services indoor and outdoor is unlimited and open. Face masks are not requested anymore except on public transports, theatres, cinemas and for indoor sport events.
  • Guests are kindly requested to maintain social distancing
  • While every effort is made to keep you updated, we invite you to review our Country entry/exit requirements as government mandates surrounding the pandemic are constantly evolving and may change between now and the time of travel.


  •  Upon arrival, Guests will be asked whether they wish to avail themselves of the luggage handling and delivery service provided by the hotel. If so, the luggage will be sanitized with Guest’s permission and placed in room


  • Our Reception desk layout and work stations have been reorganized to ensure social distancing
  • We will strive to organize both the check-in and check-out processes in order to reduce contact and avoid gatherings at the desk
  • Room keys are sanitized each and every time prior to being handled to Guests
  • We kindly ask Guests to refrain from using the elevators together with other fellow Guests, if not family members
  • We have strived to reduce the high touch items in the guestrooms: menus have been replaced by mobile-friendly disposable menus & the Hotel’s Directory is accessible via the in-room entertainment system
  • Each room will be sanitized with certified sanitation equipment after each check-out and before every check-in. A 24hour period in between check-out and check-in will be respected when assigning rooms. The same room cannot be occupied by two different parties on the same day 


  • Reservations are required for restaurant and bar
  • Our restaurant and bar colleagues will provide Guests with disposable collaterals reporting QR Codes to access the outlet’s menus. Electronic payments are preferred whenever possible
  • When ordering room service, our colleagues will deliver the food to the door and advise Guests of delivery
  • For further information about travelling to Italy, please click   

Che emozione soggiornare nel caldo abbraccio del centro storico di Como davanti a uno dei laghi più belli del mondo.

La posizione è perfetta: siete al centro di tutto, e tutto gira intorno a voi. Qualunque sia la vostra meta, l'Hotel Barchetta è il punto di partenza privilegiato